Improve Your Health, Strength, and Physical Activity with the Help of Physical Therapy

Improve Your Health, Strength, and Physical Activity with the Help of Physical Therapy

Improve Your Health, Strength, and Physical Activity with the Help of Physical Therapy

It is no secret that the vast majority of people strive for a healthy, strong, and active lifestyle. Unfortunately, it is not always an easy lifestyle to achieve, especially if you are living with chronic pain. For some people, even just the thought of working out can make them feel uncomfortable. However, there is a solution to these roadblocks: physical therapy. Physical therapy treatments can help you achieve the lifestyle you desire by helping you relieve your pain and reach your optimal levels of health and fitness.

Are you looking for a way to improve your health, strength, and physical activity? If so, contact Focus Physical Therapy today to schedule a consultation!

Physical therapy – defined:

Physical therapy is generally comprised of three important phases: pain relief, strengthening, and functional integration. Some people are apprehensive toward physical therapy because they believe it will hurt them; however, the opposite is usually true. Physical therapy is aimed at pain relief and strengthening, and your physical therapist will make sure that your treatment plan won’t bring you any pain or discomfort. This is achieved through several treatment services, such as ice and heat therapies, stretching, bracing, and ultrasound.

An active lifestyle is also dependent upon movement. Your physical therapist will cater your treatment plan around specific movements designed to increase your strength, flexibility, balance, and overall mobility. He or she will assist you with many of these exercises, but will also provide some simple ones that can be done at home.

The end result of physical therapy is living the life you want, free from painful limitations. That can only happen when you apply the concepts you learn from your treatments to the outside world. Your physical therapist is as dedicated as you are, and will encourage you to achieve all the goals you set forth in the beginning.

The benefits of physical therapy:

The purpose of physical therapy remains the same, no matter what you are seeking its services for. Perhaps you are still suffering from the lingering pain of an injury. Perhaps you are recovering from a surgery and trying to get your range of motion back. Perhaps your joints simply aren’t what they used to be, and you are looking for relief. Whatever the case may be, physical therapists are dedicated to relieving your pain and getting you back to your peak level of physical health.

A physical therapist is a movement specialist, educated in analyzing mobility issues with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and almost every other form of physical activity. Your physical therapist can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas. Through in-office sessions and at-home exercises, patients strengthen their muscles and joints, improve their balance, build endurance, and experience pain relief, all without the unwanted harmful risks of drugs or surgery.

How can I get started?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes work, but once you get into the groove of it, it becomes much easier. For example, eating nutritious foods is one of the easiest ways to improve your health (although we know those sweets are hard to kick.) Physical activity is the hardest aspect to get in the habit of doing, especially if you are being held back by chronic pain. Some people try to mask their symptoms with anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medications, while others unfortunately give up on the idea of being active altogether. Luckily, with the help of a physical therapist, it is possible to reclaim your pain-free, healthy lifestyle, and get back to doing the activities you love.

What to expect from treatments:

Everybody is different, which means everyone’s treatment requirements are different. While one treatment plan may work perfectly for one person, it may not make much of a difference to another. Because of this, your physical therapist will design an individualized treatment plan based on your specific needs.

When you arrive for your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will ask you to perform simple movements, such as sitting down, standing up, stretching, walking, lifting, or other motions. While you are doing this, your physical therapist will assess your balance, range of motion, overall mobility, and the severity of pain in the affected area(s). Once your evaluation is complete and your physical therapist has a clear idea of your treatment needs, he or she will begin constructing a treatment plan.

It is always possible to achieve a healthy, strong, and active lifestyle, even if you suffer from chronic pain. If you are looking for relief, look no further – we are here to help relieve your pain and assist you in reaching your goals. Schedule your appointment at Focus Physical Therapy today to begin your path toward improved health and wellness!


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